CableCheck operates independently and does not receive funding or support from any state or political actors in Nigeria. Instead, our work is funded exclusively by grants from reputable international organisations committed to advancing independent journalism and fact-checking. Currently, CableCheck is funded by the MacArthur Foundation through the Cable Newspaper Journalism Foundation, which shares our dedication to promoting transparency and accountability in public discourse.

In the past, CableCheck received support from Report For the World (RFW), an initiative of The GroundTruth Project, a nonprofit media organisation based in the United States, which supports high-impact journalism worldwide. Additionally, CableCheck has been supported by Code for Africa, a civic technology and open-data initiative that empowers fact-checkers and journalists across the African continent.

These partnerships allow CableCheck to operate with full editorial independence, ensuring that our fact-checking process remains impartial, credible, and unaligned with any political or state interests.